Devil May Cry 5/Special Edition Neros moves that trigger ledge jump: Streak (Ex-Streak), rainbow.9 products for devil may cry 4 for xbox 360 Capcom Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition English & Japanese For Playstation 11 Extended Gaming Mouse Pad.The Special Edition will also take advantage of the PS5’s DualSense controller and its 3D audio features. Trishs moves that trigger ledge jump: none. Ladys moves that trigger ledge jump: Rush Hour. Vergils moves that trigger ledge jump: Rapid Slash, Stinger. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition In Special Edition Speed does not trigger ledge jump.
21): We’ve updated this article to add explanations from Capcom about Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition being exclusive to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.